Jesus Christ is the founder of Revivalchurch
- in Östersund since 2010
- in DR Congo since 2012
- in Uganda since 2016.
- in Pakistan since 2015

Georges Badesire is a visioncarrier and works by God's grace, together with sisters and brothers, for the salvation of all.
Georges was born in 1974 in Bukavo, DR Congo. He grew up as the eldest son in a Catholic family with his mother, father, sister and two brothers. When he was 13 years his parents divorced, which led to eight months living in on the street. It made him at age 13 began working as a freelance tourismleader and later in different organizations within the UN.
At the age of eleven Georges converted to Islam, reading the Koran and debated as a 14 year old with pastors and other religious leaders until he was 19 years old. In 1994, after nine years as a Muslim, he met Jesus Christ and was saved. Jesus came to him in a dream (two months before he went to Mecca) and said, "Give me your life."
Today Georges is living with his wife Guylaine and nine of his twelve children in Sweden.